That was "Lange Nacht der Forschung 2022" (Long night of research 2022)
This year DAS Energy participated in the 'Long Night of Research 2022' at the location Technopol TFZ Wr. Neustadt.
At the DAS Energy booth everything revolved around the topic - photovoltaics :D
To demonstrate the effect of light rays on a solar cell, DAS Energy presented a greenhouse model with PV-powered irrigation system. With a 150 watt light source, the energy production of the solar modules could be activated or interrupted. The live demonstration made the process of photovoltaics tangible, especially for young visitors.
The production process of a DAS Energy module continued. Different materials such as silicon and glass fiber were shown and explained. This also included the interactive soldering station - here the young visitors could try out soldering metal themselves.
Another highlight was the visit of bee researcher and breeder Peter Linser as support at the DAS Energy booth.
He explained to the visitors how photovoltaic modules help bees with thermal insulation.
More about Solarenergie für Bienenkachelöfen
More about LNF 2022