Solar modules for metro stations
The photovoltaic films from DAS Energy are five times / ten times lighter than conventional photovoltaic systems. That is why they are the right choice for the pilot project. Karl Gruber, Managing Director of Wien Energie, says, “Here on the roof of the Ottakring underground station we are using special film modules for the first time. Because they are particularly light and flexible, they meet the local requirements for lightning protection and statics. With innovative technology, we are driving forward the expansion of photovoltaics in the middle of the city ”.
The climate diet
When people normally talk about “low carb”, they mean less bread, pasta and the like. Wiener Linien is different. It's about less carbon dioxide (CO2) for the benefit of the environment. The photovoltaic system in Ottakring is part of the international EU project of the same name. Twelve partners from seven EU countries are working together to drastically reduce CO2 emissions. Generating energy with the help of DAS Energy photovoltaic films saves more than 21 tons of CO2 every year.