Installed capacity: 443 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 11x6M 330 Wp
Type of roof: flat roof with bitumen cladding
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the roof cladding



Installed capacity: 61 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 12x6M 340 Wp
Type of roof: flat roof with bitumen cladding
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the roof cladding



Installed capacity: 3,3 MWp, 74 gas stations
Installed solar panels: conventional PV station
Type of roof: flat roof
Installation procedure: PV modules installed onto substructure


KHK Krakow, PL

Installed capacity: 12 kWp
Installed PV: DAS Energy 12x2 120 kW
Type of roof: Kalzip metal facade (standing seam)
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the metal surface




Installed capacity: 10 kWp
Installed PV: DAS Energy 11x6M 330 Wp
Type of surface: round wind turbine wall
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the metal surface




Viennese building under ensemble protection, AT

Installed capacity: 10 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 12x2M 115 Wp, 9x2M 85 Wp
Type of roof: metal roof top of a historical building
Installation procedure: directly glued onto the metal surface


AFAS Software, NL

Installed capacity: 400 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 12x6M 350Wp
Type of surface: stadion roof, synthetic membrane
Installation procedure: directly glued onto the membrane



Municipal waste department MA48, AT

Installed capacity: 170 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 3x12M 180 Wp
Type of surface: metal barrel roof
Installation procedure: directly glued onto the metal surface

Port of Rostock, DE

Installed capacity: 42 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 12x2M 120 Wp 
Type of roof: Kalzip standing seam roof
Installation procedure: directly glued onto the metal surface


Installed capacity:  265 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 11x6M 330 Wp
Type of roof: flat roof, synthetic membrane
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the membrane surface


Golf Club Fontana, AT

Installed PV modules: 25 golf cart solar roofs á 210 Wp
Golf cart model: Club Car, Precident



Authority building, AT

Installed capacity:  47 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 2x3P 150 Wp
Type of roof: aluminium rooftop
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the aluminium surface



Trumpf GmbH, DE

Installed capacity:  1,2 MWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 12x2M 120 Wp
Type of roof: Kalzip standing seam roof
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the roof surface


MetaLine, DE

Installed capacity:  65 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 12x2M 110 Wp
Type of roof: Kalzip standing seam roof
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the roof surface


Ice sport arena, AT

Installed capacity:  320 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 11x6M 330 Wp
Type of roof: gable roof with foil sealing
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the roof surface


WhiteCube home, AT

Installed capacity:  20 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 11x6M 330 Wp, conventional solar panels
Type of roof: flat roof, partly cement surface, partly pebble roof
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the cement surface, glas PV onto metal substructure


Diamond Aircraft & Austro Engine, AT

Installed capacity:  1,2 MWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 10x6M 250 Wp
Type of roof: flat roof, synthetic membrane
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the membrane surface


MSW Kurri Heizungssysteme, AT

Installed capacity: 144 kWp
Installed PV: conventional glass-foil-modules, RISEN
Type of roof: flat roof
Installation procedure: PV installed onto metal substructure


Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, DE

Installed capacity: 54 kWp
Installed PV: DAS Energy 11x6M 330 Wp
Type of roof: standing seam roof
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the metal surface


Kugeltanz at Prater, AT

Installed capacity:  200 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 11x6M 330 Wp
Type of roof: flat roof with bitumen cladding
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the roof cladding


Star Movie Wels, AT

Installed capacity: 30 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 11x6M 330 Wp
Type of roof: corrugated metal sheet facade
Installation procedure: direct bonding with Innotec Adheseal, and ds adhesive band


Klingele GmbH, DE

Installed capacity:  445 kWp
Installed PV: DAS Energy 11x6M 330 Wp
Type of roof: flat roof with foil cladding
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the roof cladding


Sporthalle in Bad Honnef, DE

Installed capacity: 73 kWp
Installed PV: DAS Energy 12x2M 120Wp
Type of roof: Kalzip standing seam roof
Installation procedure: glued directly onto the metal surface


Dominikanerkloster Het Predikheren

Installed capacity: 21 kWp
Installed PV: DAS Energy 12x2M 120Wp
Type of roof: Kalzip standing seam roof
Installation procedure: glued directly onto the metal surface


Perlinger Vegetables GmbH, AT

Installed capacity: 260 kWp
Installed PV: DAS Eenrgy 11x6M 330Wp 
Roof surface: foil roof and sheet metal roof
Installation procedure: direct bonding to the surface without substructure

Viennese City sport halls, AT

Installed capacity in total: 110 kWp
Installed PV: DAS Energy 11x6M 330Wp
Type of roof: bitumen covering
Installation procedure: direct bonding to the roof surface

Kühr GmbH, AT

Installed capacity: 263 kWp
Installed solar panels: RISEN 400 Wp
Type of roof: pebble roof
Installation procedure: PV modules installed onto substructure


Erdgas Mittelsachsen GmbH, DE

Installed capacity: 144 kWp
Installed PV modules: DAS Energy 330 Wp 11x6M
Roof surface: foil roof, bitumen roof
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the bitumen and foil cladding


Strandbar Herrmann, Vienna AT

Installed capacity: 15,84 kWp + 27,06 kWp
Installed PV modules: DAS Energy 11x6M FJB, Risen 410 Wp
Type of roof: round bar building, bitumen + standing seam sheet metal
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the roof cladding + substructure elevated


Private roof, Burgenland AT

Installed capacity: 15,84 kWp
Installed PV modules: DAS Energy 12x2 FJB 120Wp
Type of roof: metal standing seam roof
Type of installation: glued directly onto the metal roof surface


Carl Knauber Immobilie, DE

Installed capacity:  126 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy 11x6M 330 Wp
Type of roof: flat roof with foil cladding
Installation procedure: direct bonding onto the roof cladding


Carl Knauber Follow-up project, DE

Installed capacity: 143 kWp
Installed solar panels: DAS Energy HYBRID 330Wp
6,5 kg/m2 / Glass fibre modules with 2 mm Glass layer on the back
Dachart: Foil roof
Art der Installation: Direct bonding with substrate

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