Klimaaktiv pakt2020 partner Vöslauer relies on clean energy with DAS Energy
With the mineral water manufacturer Vöslauer, DAS Energy has now won another sustainable company as a customer and supports them in the implementation of the klimaaktiv pakt2020 goals.
In May, a state-of-the-art DAS Energy PV system was installed on the roof of the Vöslauer warehouse building on 6000m2. Almost 1000 flexible, ultra-light (only 3.3 kg / m2) PV modules were glued directly onto the bitumen surface. As a result, the DAS Energy PV system manages without the heavy substructure that is built with conventional glass modules.
With an installed maximum output of 250 kW peak, the system delivers up to 250,000 kWh of electricity per year. This amount of electricity could supply around 60 households with energy.
“As the market leader, we set the benchmark not only with our products, but also with climate protection. We have therefore made a voluntary commitment to improve energy efficiency by 22 percent by 2020 compared to 2005. In recent years we have already made it a good part of the way, despite increasing filling quantities: We have improved efficiency by a good 15 percent, and thanks to the new photovoltaic system, our goals are now within reach, ”says CEO Alfred Hudler, explaining the climate protection activities the company.
Source: https://www.klimaaktiv.at/service/presse/2017/pv_voeslauer.html
Thanks to the clean energy generation of the DAS Energy PV system, Vöslauer achieves annual savings of 50 tons of CO2.